Soul Level Self Care
the Masterclass

make your soul at home in your human design
This Masterclass with Libby Hoffmann is for you, no matter what Type you are or where you're at on your human design journey. Inside she dives deep into illuminating the Strength + Wisdom of your unique design, so you can move forward in your self-care practice with confidence, ease, and satisfaction.
Learning how to embrace your unique combination of energy is the key to nurturing yourself in alignment with your soul. The definition of your human design bodygraph shows where your innate strength + wisdom radiate. It also reveals the focus of your challenges with self-care, so you can clearly see the steps and support needed for sustainable self nurturing.
This 30 min pre-recorded masterclass covers:
+ Defining your HD Signature and why it’s so important for nurturing your alignment
+ A practical overview of the 9 Energy Centers in Human Design and what each means for you in your design
+ Growing awareness of your conditioning so you can transmute it into freedom
+ BONUS: Learn how to create your own Strength + Wisdom mantra to use as a simple and powerful tool for daily soul level self care
Receive lifetime access to the Soul Level Self Care Masterclass below for $33- USD
*For us to take care of ourselves, we must also take care of this planet. $3- of your purchase of the Soul Level Self Care Masterclass is donated to West Virginia Rivers Coalition