An introduction to Human Design Pregnancy by Libby Hoffmann - Moderne Homemaker
I have studied the original teaching of Ra Uru Hu on Design of Pregnancy since 2019, but my understanding of the system was sharply awakened four years prior, during my first birth experience. Although it was expected to be one of the happiest times of my life, it was one of the darkest. I had no idea that the Human Design System existed, but I was forced to confront the reality of the energetic mechanics that are always at play, especially during pregnancy and postpartum.
As I moved through becoming a biological mother for the first time, my intuitive awareness of the system unconsciously grew. Emotions ran high alongside my exhaustion, and my intelligence for what was happening under the surface could not keep up. It’s a very strange state of being, to feel overwhelmed with clarity and completely lost at the same time. Without the language of Human Design to support me in what I was feeling, I was highly unprepared to deal with the extraordinary depth of additional conditioning that I experienced.

When you're an expecting parent, others warn you about the deeper level of love and protection that you will take on for your new child, but they don’t talk about how easy it is to lose yourself in the density of new life. They don’t speak to how the new thoughts, movements and feelings that are layered on top of your own can create unimaginable chaos. I did not fully recover from the negative effects of misalignment, and get to a place of feeling like my true self again, for nearly a year into postpartum—I know there are millions of other women who share my story.
When the Human Design System found me, I realized that many of the difficulties I experienced were due in part to not knowing my unique design, and how to honor myself and receive aligned support. It also validated the Conception Theme of this first pregnancy— a topic I’ll explain further in an upcoming article.
In hindsight, I clearly see the missed opportunity of not having HD knowledge for myself and my family. I could have been supported to step into my own unique mothering style, instead of wasting precious energy on comparison and guilt. I could have been propelled forward in my purpose, instead of the time feeling like a “set back.” We could have thrived together as a family instead of just settling for survival.
My motherhood began in darkness, but I have welcomed in so much light along the way. I’m beyond grateful for this journey and I have a huge vision for where I’m going. I am pioneering Human Design Pregnancy because every mother deserves a satisfying, authentic, and successful experience of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.
Motherhood gets to be magical. Children get to claim their unique light and shine it brightly, from the moment they’re born (I already wrote a book about this). Families get to be strong from the inside out and celebrate each member for who they are as individuals. If you share the same vision, I hope you follow along with me here on the Moderne Homemaker Blog or on social media.
Thank you for being here. Sharing and serving other mothers with Human Design Pregnancy is my greatest honor. This is just the beginning. I have so much more to say. Until next time…
Love through all seasons,
Libby Hoffmann - Moderne Homemaker
Libby Hoffmann is an earth intuitive and holistic wellness guide, specializing in the Human Design System for pregnancy and conscious parenting. She is a mother of two, author of the children's book We Are All Light, and a birth and postpartum doula.